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Peer Mentorship Program

Every semester, CHA organizes a Peer Mentorship program that pairs new history students from all class years with junior and senior history majors and concentrators! The program is open to any undergraduate interested in history, whether or not you have declared a major or concentrator. Mentor-Mentee pairings meet at least once a semester, and Peer Mentors are also invited to speak at CHA Peer Advice panels over the course of the spring. To sign up for Fall 2024 Peer Mentorship, check back here for the sign up form and make sure to sign up for our newsletters! If you have any questions, feel free to contact CHA Mentorship Coordinator Joe,

If you have any questions about CHA, reach out to CHA Chair Kay ( Applications to join the CHA board have just closed. They will open again next spring, check back then for more information. CHA sends out monthly newsletters with event announcements, opportunities, and more! Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to learn about CHA programming. Newsletters will also be posted here on our Newsletter page.